Exploring Spiritual Direction/Companioning Informational Session at Prairiewoods (hybrid)

  • Details

  • 9/12/24
  • 4 - 5:30 p.m.
  • Free
  • All Ages
  • Categories

  • Educational

Event Description

Learn about spiritual direction/companionship in a free information session. Spiritual direction/spiritual companionship is a time-honored conversation and listening session between two people in which one person consults another spiritually experienced and trained listener about the ways in which the Source of All Being (God, Divine, Love, Universe, Holy, Buddha, Allah ...) may be moving in their life. It crosses all ancient spiritual traditions. Its aim is to empower us to explore a deeper experience of Source of All Being through the experienced and compassionate company of another human being. The benefits include cultivating the skill of deep listening, articulating experiences of the Divine, exploring various spiritual practices and resources, and engaging in discernment and exploring spiritual questions. Come to Prairiewoods (120 East Boyson Road in Hiawatha) to learn more about this incredible resource! This free informational session will be led by Leslie Schwarting and Ann Jackson, PBVM. For more information or to register, contact Prairiewoods at www.Prairiewoods.org or 319-395-6700.
