Living Our Faith at Work & Having Fun Doing It at Prairiewoods (in person)

  • Details

  • 10/29/24
  • 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
  • $15
  • All Ages
  • Categories

  • Educational

Event Description

Living out our Christian faith in the rough-and-tumble modern workplace can be a challenge. Between bad bosses, conniving coworkers and impossible deadlines, it’s easy for the crises of our workday to push our faith to the side. But wouldn’t work be better if we could bring our faith to work and apply it throughout the day? This session at Prairiewoods (120 East Boyson Road in Hiawatha) looks at the role of faith in our work, and the role of work in our faith. We’ll talk about how to live a more fully spiritual life at work and how to find the humor and give ourselves grace when we feel like we’re falling short. The session includes group discussion, sharing best (and worst) experiences, and resource recommendations for a refreshing new look at work and faith. It will be led by Tom C. Petersen, author of Thank God it’s Monday (?): Balancing Work and Faith While Keeping Your Sense of Humor. The cost is $15 and includes lunch. For more information or to register, contact Prairiewoods at or 319-395-6700.
