Gentle Yoga

  • Details

  • 8/27/24
  • 10 a.m. - 11 p.m.
  • Free
  • Ages 21+
  • Categories

  • Community

Event Description

Join us for a series of four yoga classes to improve flexibility, strength, balance, and mindfulness.  You will particpate in gentle movement, using a chair to support seated and standing poses.  No yoga experience or special clothing needed.  Classes will be led by Diane Wiesenfeld, certified yoga instructor for adults and seniors.  Both family caregivers and care receivers are invited.  Register for all sesssions or an individual session.  Maximum of 10 participants.  Register by calling the Center at 319-221-8866, or email at [email protected].

Register by:

August 5 for the August 6 session

August 12 for the August 13 session

August 19 for the 20 session

August 26 for the August 27 session